County Collaboration with ADAMH Aims to Increase Access to Mental Health Services, Decrease Stigma
Aug. 10, 2021
COLUMBUS, Ohio – Franklin County announced today the launch of a new online tool to connect residents and families with national and local resources to address their mental and emotional health challenges. The website,, allows residents to take a self-paced approach to learn about over 200 different emotional and mental health topics and find mental health providers here in Franklin County.
“The pandemic and economic downturn have had a major toll on people’s mental and emotional well-being,” said Joy Bivens, Deputy Franklin County Administrator for Health and Human Services. “This platform allows us to meet people where they are. It’s judgement-free, it’s evidence-based and it’s easy to use – whether you’re just looking for some mindfulness exercises to cope with stress or searching for a mental health provider.”
The website, which runs on the interactive CredibleMind platform, was funded by the Board of Commissioners and supports the work of the
Rise Together Blueprint to Reduce Poverty in Franklin County by increasing access to mental health services. It was developed in collaboration with county health and human services agencies, including the Department of Job and Family Services (JFS), and the Alcohol, Drug and Mental Health Board of Franklin County (ADAMH).
“Additional support for well-being is welcomed right now. Easily accessible, quality support tools help to bury the stigma around asking for help. It is up to all of us to help change the perception that asking for help is a sign of weakness. Taking care of our mental health makes us stronger,” said Erika Clark Jones, CEO for ADAMH.
The website offers over a dozen different self-assessments to help visitors get a better idea of their mental health profile. After completing assessment, visitors are referred to a variety of resources – articles, videos, podcasts and more – all tailored based off their personalized results. All the resources are vetted by experts and all the assessment tools are completely confidential.
The site provides direct linkages to ADAMH’s network of over 30 local mental and behavioral health providers. Residents can also get information about obtaining Medicaid, which covers mental health and addiction treatment, through JFS as well as resources from other health and human services agencies like Office on Aging, Child Support Enforcement and Justice Policy and Programs.
Visit to learn more.
The Franklin County Department of Job and Family Services provides timely public assistance benefits and builds community partnership through inclusion, responsiveness and innovation. Learn more at and follow FCDJFS on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube
The Alcohol, Drug and Mental Health Board of Franklin County, also known as ADAMH, offers life-changing possibilities to individuals and families living with mental health or addiction issues. ADAMH, a levy-funded county agency, partners with more than 30 nonprofit agencies located in neighborhoods throughout the county to provide accessible and affordable behavioral health services. To learn more about ADAMH, visit the website at