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★ FRANKLIN COUNTY, OHIO: Service.Progress.Excellence. ★
Food Assistance
Emergency Assistance
Child Care
Cash Assistance
Medical Assistance
Find Work
Integrated Partnerships
Star-Rated Child Care
Community Partnerships
CelebrateOne/Care for Moms & Moms-to-Be
Outreach Services
Ohio Works First
RFPs and Community Partner Information
Subrecipient Monitoring Information
Ohio Benefits Self-Service Portal
Community Partner Portal
Request a Speaker
Recognize a Staff Member
Report Public Assistance Fraud
Unemployment Compensation
Womens, Infants, and Children
FCDJFS Newsroom
Contact Us
Ohio Direction Card
Opportunity Centers
Northland Opportunity Center
East Opportunity Center
West Opportunity Center
Summer Youth 2024
Electronic Snap Benefit Theft
MEN's Empowerment Summit
ADA Compliance Plan
Civil Rights Plan
LEP Plan
PRC Plan
Rights and Responsibilites
Title XX Plans
Voter Registration
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Request a Speaker
Staff Members from our agency are available to speak at your organization or attend your event to share information about our programs and services. Please provide two to three weeks notice of your event in order to schedule a speaker. We will consider all requests and make every effort to fill requests based on availability of staff. Complete the form below to request a speaker then press the submit button.
*Full Name:
*Email :
*Phone Number:
Event Type:
Presentation with PowerPoint and Q&A
Informational Q&A
Resource Fair/Tabling Event
Other – please outline in the other information section
*Event Name:
*Event Date:
*Event Time:
*Event Overview:
Please provide more detailed information regarding the event.
*Event Arrival Time:
*Event Address:
(please include the name of the building)
*Length of Presentation or Event:
(if a tabling event or resource fair)
*Requested Content:
Ohio Works First (Cash Assistance)
Publicly Funded Child Care (Subsidized Child Care)
PRC (Emergency Financial Assistance)
SNAP (Food Assistance)
Medicaid (Medical Assistance)
Outreach Services/Re-entry Unit
A.M.P. (Achieve More & Prosper) - Comprehensive Case Management and Employment Program
Agency Overview
Other – multiple programs, please specify which programs in the other information section.
*Number of Attendees:
*Will you be doing any media outreach for this event?:
Can Images be shared from this event on Social Media?:
Other Information :
Please let us know of any other pertinent information such as parking requirements, exhibitor fees, or other requested presentation content and event types.